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Bylaws are the laws of a municipality that are adopted to govern the internal affairs and management of the city. Bylaws serve to protect the well-being of citizens by keeping the city clean, healthy, and safe. The Department of Legislative Services retains the original version of each bylaw and will provide a hard copy upon request.

Not all bylaws are listed on this page. If you need assistance locating a copy of a bylaw, please call City Hall at 306-445-1700.

The Bylaws listed below have no legal status. To get a certified true copy of any bylaw, please contact:

City Clerk

Stacey Hadley

Email or call 306-445-1719

Administration 1715

To establish the powers, duties and functions of the municipal officials and employees of the City and to establish who may sign specified municipal documents on behalf of the City.

Bylaw 1715

Animal Protection 1888

Provide for the licensing, prohibiting, regulating and protecting of animals and the being at large of animals within the City.

Bylaw 1888 and Off-leash map

Building Bylaw 2123

Regulate the erection, classification, alteration, repair, demolition or removal of buildings.

Bylaw 2123

Building Permit Fees 2124

Establish the fees required for permits under the National Building Code of Canada.

Bylaw 2124

Business Licensing 1100

Provide for the licensing, control, regulation and governing of certain businesses and occupations in the City.

Bylaw 1100

Cemeteries 2133

Provide for the management and control of the cemeteries within the City.

Bylaw 2133

Code of Ethics for Council 2120

Establish a code of ethics applicable to all members of Council and members appointed to committees of Council.

Bylaw 2120 and Formal complaint form

Commissioner for Oaths 1948

Provide for collection of a service fee for the provision of Commissioner for Oaths.

Bylaw 1948

Curfew 1607

Provide for the implementation and provisions of a curfew pursuant to section 140 of The Urban Municipality Act, 1984.

Bylaw 1607

Dangerous Dogs 1698

The dangerous dogs bylaw.

Bylaw 1698

Emergency Planning 1928

Establish the Emergency Measures Organization of the City of North Battleford.

Bylaw 1928

Emergency Water Conservation 2088

Emergency conservation of water in the City of North Battleford.

Bylaw 2088

False Alarm Bylaw 1993

Provide for a false alarm Bylaw.

Bylaw 1993

Fighting 1656

A bylaw to curb fighting in public or other places.

Bylaw 1656

Firearm Control 1024

To provide for the control and regulation of firearms.

Bylaw 1024

Fire Prevention 1829

Provide for the prevention of fires, the prevention of spread of fire and for the preservation of life.

Bylaw 1829

General Penalty 1729

Establish penalties and enforcement procedures for contravention of Bylaws and orders of the City.

Bylaw 1729

Hunting, Shooting and Trapping 1155

Regulate hunting, shooting and trapping within the boundaries of the City of North Battleford

Bylaw 1155

Investment Policy 2056

Establish an investment policy setting out the types of investments in which the City is authorized to invest its available funds.

Bylaw 2056

Late Evening Alley Access 2145

To control the use and access of alleys throughout the City between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

Bylaw 2145

Mill Rate Factors 2140

Establish Mill rate factors for 2023

Bylaw 2140

Motor Vehicles 1675

Prohibit the operation of all terrain vehicles, snowmobiles, motor vehicles, motorcycles, motor bikes and mini-bikes in parks, playgrounds or public reserves in the City of North Battleford.

Bylaw 1675

Noise 1968

Provide for noise control within the City.

Bylaw 1968 and Schedule A

Official Community Plan (OCP) 1970

Adopt an Official Community Plan.

Bylaw 1970 and OCP Maps

Panhandling and Public Behaviours 2008

Control and regulate panhandling and other public behaviours.

Bylaw 2008

Pawnbrokers 1203

Provide for the licensing and regulating of second-hand stores, pawn shops, salvage dealerships, auction dealerships, junk stores or shops and persons maintaining or keeping such stores or shops.

Bylaw 1203

Procedure 2108

Regulate the proceedings in the council of the City and the committees.

Bylaw 2108

Property Maintenance & Nuisance Abatement 1908

Regulate property maintenance and abate nuisance in the City of North Battleford.

Bylaw 1908

Protective Services Cost Recovery 2144

To recover protective services costs.

Bylaw 2144

Public Notice 1703

Outline public notice requirements.

Bylaw 1703

Sanitary Sewer Project Borrowing 2115

Provide for the establishment of a debt not payable within the current year.

Bylaw 2115

Service Fees 1773

Provide for the collection of service fees for research requests, photograph reproduction, and for general photocopying.

Bylaw 1773

Sewerage Works 1707

Provide for the levying and collection of a sewer service charge and regulating the disposal of sewage and the discharge of liquids and wastes into the North Battleford sewerage system

Bylaw 1707

Sidewalk Clearing 1900

Regulate the clearing of sidewalks

Bylaw 1900

Subclasses of Land or Improvements 2040

Establish subclasses of land or improvements.

Bylaw 2040 and Amendment 2125

Tax Certificate Fees 1918

Establish fees for the provision of tax certificates, tax searches, property assessment sheets and for NSF charges

Bylaw 1918

Tax Non-Payment Penalties 1994

Impose penalties for non-payment of taxes.

Bylaw 1994

Tax Rate Minimum & Base Tax 2141

Authorize the levying of the Tax Rate, to establish a minimum tax and base taxes and to authorize the levying of a rate as requisitioned by a business improvement district for the said year of 2023.

Bylaw 2141

Temporary Signs 2100

Regulate temporary signs

Bylaw 2100

Traffic Bylaw 1946

Regulate vehicular and pedestrian traffic, the use of public streets and to preserve order thereon.

Bylaw 1946

Traffic Bylaw schedules:

UPAR Base Tax 2137

Authorize the levying of a base tax for the funding of the Underground Pipe and Asphalt Replacement program for the year 2023.

Bylaw 2137

Vacant Commercial Property Levy 2139

Authorize the levying of a tax rate for vacant commercial properties.

Bylaw 2139

Vehicles for Hire 2084

Establishment of a vehicles for hire bylaw.

Bylaw 2084 and Policy

Waste and Recycle Rates 1978

Establish rates for collection and removal of residential household waste and recyclable materials for the City of North Battleford.

Bylaw 1978

Waste Management 1977

Regulate the management, collection, disposal and recycling of waste and to regulate the use of the city waste management facility.

Bylaw 1977

Waterworks 1706

Management of the waterworks system of the city and the charges to be made for water services.

Bylaw 1706

Schedule D

Zoning 1971

Zoning Bylaw - Updated

1971 Zoning Bylaw Consolidated To 2147

Zoning map

Contact Us

City Hall
1291-101st Street P.O. Box 460
North Battleford, SK S9A 2Y6

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