Cleared within the first three days after a snowfall.
This group includes downtown Pioneer Avenue, Railway Avenue, Carlton Trail, Heritage Way, and 11th Avenue to the Hospital.
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During the winter months, efficient snow removal is an important service. It allows for safe travel along our streets. City crews will start plowing snow when the snow gets to about 10 to 20 centimetres high. Safety is our top priority, during snow removal we may close streets. Drivers are not to enter closed streets and may be ticketed if they do. Do not pass plows, graders, and sanding trucks. Please reduce driving speeds and adjust to winter driving conditions.
The City has three priority groups for snow clearing. This ensures that streets cleared first are major traffic streets and routes used by emergency services. View our snow removal plowing map to see each street’s priority.
Priority 1: Major traffic streets and emergency routes
Cleared within the first three days after a snowfall.
This group includes downtown Pioneer Avenue, Railway Avenue, Carlton Trail, Heritage Way, and 11th Avenue to the Hospital.
Cleared within seven days after snowfall. These streets “collect” traffic from areas in the city and direct it to Priority 1 streets. Some collector streets include 110th Street, Diefenbaker Avenue, Douglas Avenue, and 19th Avenue.
Priority 3: Low-traffic residential
Cleared after Priority 1 and 2 streets have been cleared. These streets are mostly residential and some of the Parson Industrial Park. Snow removal work is done during your street’s no parking schedule unless otherwise posted.
During continuous heavy snowfall, crews will remove snow from Priority 1 streets before moving to Priority 2 streets. Back-alley snow is only removed by request after Priority 3 is complete, and the snow is 30 cm or taller.
Additional snow removal information.
A windrow is a pile of snow that gathers at the edge of the road during plowing. A windrow can be in the centre of the street for pickup later in the removal process. Crews will do their best to remove the windrow at visible driveways to allow vehicles to pass. Windrows can be a maximum of 30 cm (one foot) tall at driveways and cover 50% of sidewalks per our snow removal policy. If a windrow is taller than 30 cm at your driveway or if it covers more than 50% of a sidewalk, report it on Service Tracker.
Keeping sidewalks clear of ice and snow is a joint effort between the City, property owners, and residents. City crews will clear sidewalks next to city land, not including streets and alleys. Snow and ice removal from sidewalks is important for everyone’s safety.
Do your part to keep people safe by clearing your sidewalk in time. Do not cause injury to anyone with the device you are using to clear the sidewalk, interfere with the use of the sidewalk, or damage the sidewalk. Another way to create a hazard or interfere with a sidewalk or a street is to place snow and ice on it.
Each of these offenses can result in a fine.
The first fine is $100, the second is $200, and then any fines after this is $300/fine.
After a snowfall, property owners have 24 hours to remove snow from sidewalks adjacent to their property. See the Sidewalk Clearing Bylaw #1900 Schedule “A” for the streets that are part of the downtown.
These properties may move snow onto the street from the sidewalk for removal. If the City does the clearing, the property or business owner will be charged for the cost.
Sidewalks outside of the downtown must be cleared within 48 hours after a snowfall. Do not push snow onto the sidewalk or streets.
The Snow Angel Program encourages able and willing residents to help their neighbours with snow removal. It is a great way to build a sense of community and to volunteer in your neighbourhood. If you can, please consider becoming a Snow Angel this winter.
Help us recognize your Snow Angels by sending in a nomination so they may be publicly recognized at a City Council meeting.
Send their name, address, and a few kind words about what they did for you to:
PO Box 460
City of North Battleford
North Battleford, SK S9A 2Y6
Email now
Contact Us
City Hall
1291-101st Street P.O. Box 460
North Battleford, SK S9A 2Y6
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